The Tenant Agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

The tenant hereby rents space on the property known as Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage in Parkland County, for the monthly/yearly rent as referred to above, on a monthly /yearly basis. Rent is payable in advance, on the first day of the month during the term of tenancy or the first day of each year. Portions of months are charged as full months. Credit card payments are debited automatically. Access to the premises is between 6AM and 11PM Monday through Sunday, other times by appointment only. The tenant warrants that they are solely responsible for all property stored on the premises and they will carry ALL insurance on all property stored on the premises. The tenant acknowledges that Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever for loss or damage of any kind to the property of the tenant on the premises at anytime, for any reason whatsoever, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and without exclusion. The tenant also acknowledges that Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage shall not be liable whatsoever for any personal injuries of any kind sustained by any person in or around the premises, the entrance way, or any common areas associated therewith. The tenant takes responsibility for their own unit at all times. Tenant will contact us with any changes (address, phone#, Description of item stored)

This agreement may be terminated by Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage for any reason and without just cause at anytime with 10 days registered notice to the tenant at the above address. There will be a $45.00 charge for all NSF cheques or dishonored credit card payments, which will be added to the tenant’s indebtedness to Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage. Non-payment of rent by the first of each month constitutes default for which there will be a $15.00 service charge. The tenant’s access to the premises will be prohibited while rent is in arrears. The tenant acknowledges that if the rent remains unpaid 60 days after due date Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage will apply a $10.00/day fee over and above all other fees. All accounts 90 days in arrears the stored property maybe seized and sold to pay rent. Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage is permitted to take possession of all Stored Property and sell the Stored Property after 90 days in arrears. After deducting all costs associated with sale, to apply the funds to pay all outstanding rents, up to and including the date of sale, costs associated with the sale, to apply the funds to pay all the default and seizure and disposal of the Stored Property. The tenant acknowledges that the following rules will be strictly followed: No loose goods whatsoever will be left on or around the premises. No Stored Property will be occupied at any time as a business or a residence, for any amount of time whatsoever. There will be no loitering on the premises. No smoking on the premises. No animals in or around Stored Property. The premises will be used for storage of the listed above Stored Property only. The tenant agrees to abide by all the above terms and conditions and agrees that the above constitutes the entire agreement between Lark’s Nest R.V. Storage and tenant. The tenant acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.